Is Uber driving for introverts?

One of the best things about driving for a living is that all sorts of people can make a success of it. So, if you’re a bit of an introvert maybe Uber driving could be your thing.


Read our ultimate go to guide to Uber to find out all you need about the all-singing, all-conquering ride-hailing app.


What is an introvert?


If you haven’t come across the word ‘introvert’ before, then it’s often used to describe certain human personality ‘types.’ Typically, an introvert is seen as being a reserved or quiet person who tends towards introspection, enjoys spending time alone and prefers interacting in small groups of people.


Often introverts are seen as being the opposite of so-called ‘extroverts.’ Extroverts are defined as being gregarious and unreserved people who enjoy seeking out social interaction. We probably all know people who fall into one of these two groups!


For introverts, being surrounded by people all the time can be a real challenge. Whether in an office, shop, restaurant, factory or other busy place, introverts may find many working environments noisy and overwhelming.


Unfortunately, many parts of modern business life seem to be designed with the needs and preferences of extroverts firmly in mind. And this can make it difficult for introverts to adapt to them.


That said, there are still plenty of careers that are ideal for introverts and allow them to unlock their true potential, if they take the right approach. Could Uber driving be one of them?


In general, introverts may prefer working alone or with just one other person in a quiet environment. If you’re an introvert then you’ll probably prefer to focus on a single task that you can do really well. If you can set your own schedule, that’s even better!


Even from that brief overview, it seems that being a professional driver might be a great career option for an introvert. Particularly if you also have a love for driving.


Obviously, the type of driving you’re best suited for will depend on your exact skills, preferences and vehicle you drive. From patient transport and airport transfers to corporate accounts and wedding cars, there are lots of different avenues you could explore.


If you’re an introvert who still enjoys meeting new people and interacting with them in short doses, working as an Uber driver could be ideal.


And remember, it’s not all about delivering people safely to their destinations. An Uber driver could also make decent money delivering food and parcels to customers.


Speaking to new people can sometimes be a bit of a challenge for introverts. However, our team of friendly insurance specialists here at Taxi Insurer are always on hand to help you find the right taxi fleet insurance.


6 signs you might be an introvert


All this talk of introversion may have got you thinking, ‘Am I an introvert?’ Or perhaps you’re wondering whether one of the drivers in your taxi fleet falls into this category.


It’s important to remember there are many different types of introverts who display a whole range of qualities, every one of us is truly unique. For example, there are plenty of introverts who love socialising and are perfectly able to deliver speeches to thousands of people!


Some celebrities who identify as introverts include Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and ex-US president Barack Obama.


The following are just a few signs you might be an introvert. Take a look and see if you agree.


You enjoy having time to yourself


If the thought of a quiet night in reading a good book, listening to music or watching your favourite TV show fills you with feelings of peace and relief you’re likely more introverted than extroverted.


This doesn’t mean you want to be alone all the time, but after a long day driving a few hours on your own could leave you rested and recharged.


You can feel drained from too much socialising


It’s not accurate to say introverts dislike social interaction, in fact they often have a small but very close group of friends. It’s just that socialising tends to leave them feeling a bit drained. That’s in contrast to extroverts, who seem to have more energy after such events.


You try to avoid conflict


While everyday social interactions can be draining, that’s even more so if there’s conflict involved. Avoiding disputes and keeping calm under pressure are just some of the 20 tips for successful taxi fares that we recommend.


You work better alone


Working independently and to your own schedule gives you time to consider the best course of action without having to tune out all the chatter. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you have trouble getting along with others. As an Uber taxi driver you’ll want to get that balance just right.


You don’t crave the spotlight


A behind-the-scenes role is often sought out by introverts. Although as you can see from our list of famous introverts, they are not always successful in that!


You have a good understanding of people


Because you tend to keep to yourself, you’ll have developed excellent listening skills and powers of observation. That’s brilliant news if you want to provide a reliable and helpful taxi service.


Whether or not you’re an introvert, it’s always best to choose work you have an interest in. After all, you could spend many years in this job, and it could take up a large chunk of your life.


Certainly, finding fulfilling work will help to make the rest of your life more interesting and enjoyable. Here at Taxi Insurer we’re passionate about finding you the right taxi fleet insurance cover, give us a call and let us prove it to you.


Pros and cons of driving for Uber as an introvert


People drive for Uber for a whole variety of reasons and in a range of different ways. Whether you’re working full-time or part-time, there are some clear benefits to driving for Uber as an introvert. But also some potential drawbacks you’ll want to be aware of.


Benefits of driving for Uber as an introvert


man holding the steering wheel



  • Working alone. While there can be risks to working alone, a big positive is that you are ultimately in control.
  • Lots of independence. There are few jobs that give you as much independence as Uber driving. Indeed many drivers use Uber as a way to earn a second income in addition to their ‘regular’ job. If you’re wondering how much do Uber drivers make then read our recent guide.
  • You can focus on your driving skills and knowledge. As a professional driver you’ll know the neighbourhood in which you operate, the rules of the road and the tricks of the trade. So, if you come up against unwanted traffic congestion or other problems, your ability to focus on what’s important will come to the fore.
  • Less potential for conflict over fares. Riders already know the cost of the journey before you pick them up, so there should be less need for disagreements. Uber’s cashless payment system means you won’t have to worry about carrying cash and change – or your passengers bilking, either!
  • Choice over working day. The location-based app makes it so much easier to pick up passengers close to where you are and when you want. As well as helping keep costs down, this also means you can choose a time of day that suits you. For example, you might find weekday morning work preferable to Saturday evenings when passengers may be feeling extra ‘chatty’.
  • Choice over working environment. While the roads might be manic, the inside of your car can be an oasis of calm. There are lots of ways to create a relaxing atmosphere in your vehicle.
  • Potential to benefit from surge pricing. Periods of very high demand can be stressful for both passengers and drivers alike. But with Uber you’ll be well rewarded for your effort as the app ups your rates at such times.
  • Work when you feel like it. You can turn the app on at any time to work and turn it off just as easily. It really puts the power in your hands, so if you’re feeling drained then you can take a break to recharge.
  • It rewards your people skills. Even if you’re not the chattiest of drivers you’ll make a great listener and be able to respond sensitively to passenger needs. And get paid for it!
  • Passengers are rated. Passenger ratings help you avoid fares where there might be difficulties or potential for conflict.
  • Avoids tipping embarrassment. Giving and accepting tips isn’t something that comes naturally to many people. You never need to worry with Uber, as tipping is dealt with through the app. Phew!
  • Cancellation and cleaning fees dealt with through the app. Another potential source of conflict could be if a ride is cancelled while you’re en route to pick-up. Or if a passenger makes a mess in your vehicle. Again, both of these are dealt with through the app.


Drawbacks of driving for Uber as an introvert


  • It can be draining. Picking up strangers and making small talk with them could be draining for introverts.
  • It can involve working at night or other unsociable hours. Night shifts are very common among professional drivers. While this can be a very lucrative time of day, it can also be the most challenging time for introverts to interact with others.
  • You might have to work on public holidays. Holiday time is when many workers get some rest and recuperation from the stresses and strains of life. Earning money by driving with Uber can take a lot of hard work and dedication and may mean you have to work during popular holiday periods.
  • It can take you away from friends and family. Working at evenings, weekends and during holidays can mean less time with friends and family. Introverts can find these relationships particularly important so you’ll need to keep an eye on your work-life balance if you want to stay happy.
  • Uber driving can be dangerous. Just as anyone driving for a living, your work can take you into some potentially dangerous areas and neighbourhoods. You may not seek out conflict but you’ll need to have strategies on hand for dealing with rude, drunk and even aggressive passengers.
  • You could be at risk of potentially unfair Uber ratings. At the end of the journey, you’ll be rated by your passenger via the app. If you haven’t made the effort to chat, some people might give you a lower score.


If you feel the drawbacks outweigh the benefits when it comes to Uber driving, then how about working with other ride-hailing apps?


In this recent Taxi Insurer article you’ll see that Bolt is a worthy rival for Uber. Or perhaps one of these other ride hailing apps would fit the bill better?


A quick note on Uber Eats


Something worth remembering when thinking about driving for Uber is the fact that it’s not just people that ride with Uber. – although you may need to consider taking out insurance to cover food delivery.


This entails opting in through the Uber app, accepting delivery orders and then transporting foods and drinks to customers. It operates in a similar way to transporting people, but interaction with the general public is even more limited.


The basic idea is that you grab and go then deliver and dash! Sounds perfect for introverts!


As well as reducing the amount of socialising an introvert would have to do, it’s also a great way to boost an Uber driver’s pay. This can be particularly valuable on days when the ride-hailing side of your business is slow.


Uber Eats isn’t available everywhere in the UK. It’s currently confined to large cities such as Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff, London, Manchester and Birmingham. There’s a full list on the Uber East website.


Another potential money spinner for Uber drivers is the Uber Connect service that customers can use to send packages locally. Currently only operating in 25 cities outside the UK, last year Uber trialled a same-day parcel delivery service in parts of the UK. 


6 ways to engage introverts in your taxi fleet


Within your fleet of taxi drivers there will be a vast array of personality types all working hard to make a living. But when it comes to introverts, it’s all too easy for them to be overlooked.


So what ways are there for you to ensure even the quietest members of your driving team are heard? Here are six super suggestions from the business brains over at Forbes.


1. Introverts would often rather sit and observe than strike up new conversations, so it might be up to you to make the first move when it comes to communication.


2. Introduce new drivers to the team. Introverts can often be uncomfortable around large groups, so it’s important to help introduce them so they can build up those supportive relationships.


3. Taxi drivers may not be big ones for meetings, but if you do have one then make time to let them speak. If you don’t, they can become disengaged and you’ll lose their invaluable insight.


4. Accept they are often happy being alone. Not everyone wants to be part of a big group.


5. Introverts are usually pretty good in smaller groups and one-on-one settings. Large ‘team building’ exercises may not be for them.


6. Don't overlook them for leadership roles. Depending on the size of your taxi fleet, there can be a number of roles available in your business besides driving. You never know what added value they might bring to your business.


There will be lots of business decisions you need to make, besides finding the right taxi fleet insurance. But getting the best from every one of your team of drivers has to be towards the top.  


Essential techniques for leading as an introvert


But how about if you’re an introvert yourself? Well, there are tips to help business leaders, too! This time courtesy of Barclays Eagle Labs.


  • Getting to know yourself is time well spent. Having an accurate idea of your own preferences, strengths and weaknesses will help you make the right choices in business and in life.
  • Getting to know the people you work with is also vital. Use your powers of insight to tailor your communication with your team so it fits the needs of the people you lead.
  • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is good but don’t give yourself a hard time.
  • Don’t overcompensate. There’s really no point pretending to be something you’re not.
  • Don’t be frightened of delegating. You can’t do everything yourself in a taxi fleet business. Let the Taxi Insurer take the strain out of arranging taxi fleet insurance.
  • Know that you can do it. After all, introverts have been some of the most successful leaders in history!


Protecting your business with taxi fleet insurance


Managing a taxi fleet successfully is a big responsibility, particularly when you’re juggling the needs of drivers, customers and the vehicles themselves.


Our taxi fleet insurance cover comes in many different varieties including third party only, third party, fire and theft, or comprehensive cover options.


With options to pay by instalments and a 24-hour claims management service, we’re always thinking of ways to help.


To arrange a no-obligation taxi fleet insurance quote, call our team or complete the request form and we'll call you back.
